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Monsters are the many antagonistic creatures the player will encounter throughout the game. Revelations adds the following monsters.

Chapter 1

Main Path

Monsters Description

Drifty Img.png

Floats around, shooting a stationary tear that slowly descends to the ground. Pushes itself around in random diagonal directions as it shoots.

Pucker Img.png

Acts as a Drifty, but shoots a little bit faster.
Brother Bloody

BrotherBloody Img.png

Orbits enemies. Fires a single tear at the player. Dies and shoots six tears when all other enemies are killed.

Smolycephalus Img.png

Burrows into the ground and launches a volley of tears at the player.


Monsters Description
Blue-Ambered Spider

BlueAmberedSpider Img.png

Spider monster encased in ice. It creates slippery ice creep while moving.
Yellow-Ambered Spider

Iced spider yellow.png

Spider monster encased in yellow ice. It creates damaging yellow creep while moving.
Ice Pooter

IcedPooter Img.png

Pooter monster encased in ice.

Snowball Img.png

Hops around randomly.
Yellow Snowball

Yellow snowball.png

Hops around randomly. Leaves damaging yellow creep as it moves.
Strawberry Snowball

Strawberry snowball.png

Hops around randomly. Leaves damaging strawberry creep when damaged.
Rolling Snowball

Rollingsnowball Img.png

Rolls around the room, leaving slippery creep. Occasionally lunges at the player, bouncing off of surfaces while creating bursts of tears.
Snot Rocket


Behaves exactly like Rolling Snowballs; however, Snot Rockets leave slowing creep instead of slippery creep, and the tears created by bouncing against surfaces are snot tears and will stick to surfaces or other enemies.
Snow Flake

Snowflake Img.png

Follows the player. Can combine two snowflakes to make a big snowflake. Orbits Cloudys.
Big Snow Flake

BigSnowFlake Img.png

Follows the player. Can combine two big snowflakes to make a Cloudy. Orbits Cloudys.
Frosty Hopper

FrostHopper Img.png

A regular hopper. Can spawn from Ice Hazards.
Frosty Pacer

FrostyPacer Img.png

A regular pacer. Can spawn from Ice Hazards or other enemies.
Frosty Gusher

FrostyGusher Img.png

A regular gusher. Can spawn from Ice Hazards or other enemies.
Frosty Horf

FrostHorf Img.png

A regular horf. Can spawn from Ice Hazards or other enemies.
Frosty Gaper

FrostGaper Img.png

A regular gaper. Spawns from Ice Hazards.
Ice Block Gaper

IceBlockGaper1 Img.png

Follows the player. Splits into a Horf and a Frosty Pacer/Gusher on death. The head leaves ice creep when knocked off.
Ice Block Gaper

Blockhead gaper yellow block.png

Follows the player. Splits into a Horf and a Frosty Pacer/Gusher on death. The head leaves damaging yellow creep when knocked off.

Snowbob Img.png

Follows the player. Leaves its head on the ground on death, which does different actions based on the type of head.
Frosty I. Blob

FrostIBlob Img.png

Moves around the room, shooting tears in all 8 directions. Can spawn from Ice Hazards.
Ice Worm

IceWorm Img.png

Burrows in ice tiles. Appears and fires three tears at the player. If the player is standing on an ice tile, Ice Worm will appear from under the player and bounce them into the air.

Stalactrite2 Img.png

Hides in the ceiling, but falls when an explosion occurs in the room. Leaps around the room with great distance.

Hice Img.png

Actively flees the player, occasionally spawning Snow Flakes. On death, spawns 2 Snow Flakes.
Iced Hive

IcedHive Img.png

Wanders around the room, occasionally spawning Ice Pooters or Blue-Ambered Spiders. On death, spawns an Ice Pooter, Blue-Ambered Spiders, and a burst of tears.

FatSnow Img.png

Hops towards the player. Occasionally leaps high into the air, creating ice creep and firing a burst of tears on landing. Fires four cardinal shots on death.
Drifty Ice

FrostDrifty Img.png

Fires a single tear very high that slowly descends to the ground. Can spawn from Ice Hazards.
Ice Hazard Hopper

IceHazard Hopper.png

Frosty Hopper encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Horf

IceHazard Horf.png

Frosty Horf encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Gaper

IceHazard Gaper.png

Frosty Gaper encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard I. Blob

IceHazard IBlob.png

Frosty I. Blob encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Drifty Ice

IceHazard Drifty.png

Drifty Ice encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Brother Blizzard

IceHazard BrotherBlizzard.png

Brother Blizzard encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Clotty

IceHazard Clotty.png

Clotty encased in an Ice Hazard.
Ice Hazard Troll Bomb

IceHazard Bomb.png

Troll Bomb encased in an Ice Hazard. Explodes when shattered.
Brother Blizzard

BrotherBlizzard Img.png

Orbits enemies. Fires a single tear at the player. Dies and shoots six tears when all other enemies are killed. Can spawn from Ice Hazards.
Yellow Snow

YellowSnow Img.png

Remains at a distance from the player. When in range, begins to fire a high arc of yellow tears in the player's direction.

Cloudy Img.png

Slowly follows the player. Shoots 4 tears that orbit itself, and break-off towards the player. Snow Flakes and Big Snow Flakes orbit Cloudy.

Brainfreeze Img.png

Slowly moves around. Creates a freezing aura that slows tears that enter it. Any tears caught in the freezing aura are shot towards the player.

Geicer Img.png

Remains immobile. Launches a Stalactite at the player which shoots a + pattern of tears when landing.
Coal Heater

Coal heater.png

Remains immobile. Launches a stationary coal shard at the player's location, which hurts on touch and provides a warmth aura. Spawns a Grill O' Wisp on death.
Grill O' Wisp

Grillo Img.png

Bounces around the room. Provides a warmth aura.
Chill O' Wisp

Chillo Img.png

Slowly floats towards the player. Provides a freezing aura.


Wanders around the Room, seeking out and eating Grill O' Wisps or Chill O' Wisps, gaining their auras in the process.


Slowly moves towards the player; can eat multiple Grill O' Wisps, but ignores Chill O' Wisps.


Chases the player, dashing at them if they line up horizontally. Will eat Chill O' Wisps, allowing him to freeze certain enemies into Spiky Ice Hazards.
Big Blowy

Big blowy down.png

Blows a beam of cold air in one of the cardinal directions, freezing and pushing the player across a long distance.
Medium Blowy

Medium blowy down.png

Blows a 3 tile long beam of cold air in one of the cardinal directions, freezing the player's head if they touch it.


Shoots snowballs at the player, dealing no damage but freezing their head if they land a shot.


Stationary enemy that spawns a baby version of a particular enemy depending on the room layout. Spawns a regular version of that enemy on death. Can also spawn pickups.


Waddles around the room. When one spots the player, all Emperors in the room charge in the closest cardinal direction to the player in unison.


Roams the room and charges at the player when it lines up cardinally, destroying rocks in its path. Can sometimes spawn with another monster on its back, riding it.


Chases the player, occasionally sneezing out a cluster of high-damage snot that sticks to rocks and other enemies.
Shy Fly

Shy fly.png

Bounces off the walls. Creates a snowy explosion upon death, covering nearby ice and pits in snow bridges.
Cryo Fly

Cryo fly.png

Chaces the player in an orbital manner. Creates an icy explosion upon death, creating a cross of ice tiles.


Phases around the room, making itself visible to attack the player with a cluster of arcing snow shots. The projectiles freeze the player's head on contact and spawn 1-2 Snowballs. Shrieks when it dies, breaking all cracked ice tiles in the room.

Huffpuff Img.png

Picks up Snowballs and spits them at the player as projectiles. If no Snowballs are present, the Huffpuff will spawn them.


Throws snowballs at the player which freezes their head. Will also pick up ice blocks and throw them at the player. Upon death, slams the ground, causing all Ice Hazards in the room to be pushed and all Stalactrites to fall from the ceiling.

Firecaller glacier.png

Will call upon fires and Grill O' Wisps to fire tears at the player. When damaged, it becomes a stationary fire that occasionally shoots a tear at the player.

Harfang Img.png

Occasionally flies around the room, may charge up and shoot a burst of icicle tears which rapidly gain speed.


Flies in place, has a number of Pinecones circling around it. Can shoot out the Pinecones at the player in different formations depending on the room.


Circles a Pine, remains in formation with its fellow Pinecones. When its respective Pine dies, it will start panicking and begin to judder in random directions.

Chapter 2

Main Path

Monsters Description

Aerotoma Img.png

Flies erratically and charges at the player, shooting four projectiles in a diagonal cross pattern. Spawns a Level 2 Spider when killed.

Chicken Img.png

Flies toward the player trying to land on them, then lays a Troll Bomb and flies elsewhere.
Mother Pucker

MotherPucker Img.png

Spawns Puckers and Suckers, and occasionally lobs a projectile that explodes into many short-ranged projectiles. Periodically burrows and reappears elsewhere in the room.
Bomb Sack

Bomb Sack

Explodes when a flaming monster touches it. Sometimes spawns Spiders.


Monsters Description

Locust Img.png

Travels in packs. Charges at the player. Lone Locusts directly follow the player and will not charge. May destroy any jars and steal pickups they come into contact with. Charging into other enemies may kill them and turn them into Bonys.
Stone Creep

StoneCreep Img.png

Invulnerable enemy that remains on the wall and shoots a single tear at the player when he lines up with him. Dies when there are no other enemies in the room.

Urny Img.png

Invulnerable enemy. Hops towards the player and occasionally fires a small burst of slow falling tears at the player. When there are no other enemies in the room, all Urnies will lunge at the player in succession, bursting into tears upon death.

Anima Img.png

Floats around the room, attempting to enter any living rag enemies. Rag enemies that it enters will become Buffed. When its host dies, it will trail off to find a new one.

Firecaller Img.png

Will call upon fires and coffins to fire homing tears at the player. When damaged, it becomes a stationary purple fire that occasionally shoots a homing tear at the player.
Antlion Baby

AntlionBaby Img.png

Chases the player. Hatches from eggs in small groups.

Antlion Img.png

Remains in the ground and sucks the player and enemies towards it. If it eats an enemy, it will emerge and start following the player before spewing a large volley of tears in random directions.
Rag Drifty

RagDrifty Img.png

Acts as a Drifty, but fires homing tears. When buffed, it shoots a line of homing tears when the player gets close.
Pseudo Rag Drifty

PRagDrifty Img.png

Acts as a Drifty, but fires a burst of tears in the direction it shoots.
Tile Monger

TileMonger Img.png

Hides in certain trap tiles. Emerges to fire a line of tears at the player. If there are two Tile Mongers in the room, they fire a line of tears at each other.
Sand Worm

SandWorm Img.png

Appears in sand rooms. Buries under the sand and emerges to charge the player vertically or horizontally. After charging, it relocates to fire a burst of sand tears at the player.

Innard Img.png

Moves around very slowly, leaving slowing creep on the ground. Bursts into a large number of tears that fly in the air and into two Spiders when dying.

Peashy Img.png

Throws nails, either on the ground or at the player. Ground nails act as stationary hazards that can be shot. Will attempt to roll away if the player gets too close.

Arrowhead Img.png

Wanders around. When damaged, will start charging directly at the player. Fires a few bursts of tears in a + and x pattern at the end of the charge.
Rag Gaper

RagGaper Img.png

Follows the player. If the player gets close, it will die and roll its head, similar to Rag Man. When buffed, it will revive itself and spawn a new head every time it rolls one at the player.
Rag Bony

RagBony Img.png

Acts as a standard Bony. When buffed, it will stop to summon a single homing bone projectile that chases the player around the room.
Rag Trite

RagTrite Img.png

Hops around the room and onto the player. When buffed, it will hop twice in quick succession, leaving damaging creep after the first landing.
Rag Tag

RagTag1 Img.png

Slowly follows the player. Swipes at the player, which knocks the player and nearby enemies back. Attempts to swipe back tears that get shot at it. When buffed, it acts more aggressively, swiping faster.

Wretcher Img.png

Wanders around the room, spawning locusts. When buffed, spawns more locusts in addition to a puddle of damaging creep.
Rag Fatty

RagFat Nav.png

Slowly follows the player. Occasionally inflates. When damaged while inflated, it will fart to release a burst of tears in random directions. When buffed, its tears become homing. When killed while buffed, it will collapse into a pile of guts that chases the player, leaving damaging creep and occasionally stomping to unleash a burst of homing tears.

Sandbip Img.png

Follows behind a Sandbob, chasing the player. If their leader dies, they will scatter around the room. Can use themselves to repair broken sandcastles.

Trenchbip Img.png

Appears as a small spike in the ground and will attempt to ambush the player if they get too close. If all nearby sandcastles are gone, they will emerge to rush the player.

Snipebip Img.png

Targets the player with a red laser and unleashes a long stream of sand tears. Sits on the corners of sandcastles, where they are invincible. If the corner they are sitting on is destroyed, they will quickly relocate to another corner in the room.

Bloatbip Img.png

Follows behind a Sandbob, chasing the player. Will occasionally dash and fire a volley of sand tears.

Cannonbip Img.png

Stays behind walls and periodically launches Demobips at the player. Demobips spread a small burst of sand tears upon landing.

Demobip Img.png

Chases the player and explodes upon death. If it is led by a Sandbob, it will ignite its fuse if too many of their squad dies.

Slambip Img.png

Wanders around the room. It will attempt to slam itself into sandcastles to unleash rock waves directed at the player.

Sandbob Img.png

Directly rushes the player, rallying other bips to charge with them. Splits into Sandbips upon death.

Sandshaper Img.png

Transforms sandcastles into sand projectiles that get launched at the player. Can summon Sandbobs from broken sandcastles. Can unleash a variety of rock waves when damaged.

Necragmancer Img.png

Remains invincible until Revival Rags appears in the room. Launches a purple projectile at rags to revive them. If there are no rags in the room, he will seal himself back up and become invincible again.
Pyramid Head

PyramidHead Img.png

Is invincible if there are any other enemies in the room. While they are invincible, he will very slowly follow the player, and occasionally make all enemies in the room fire a single homing tear towards the player. If all other enemies in the room die, he will begin to cry and run away from the player, occasionally shooting a tri-shot of tears at the player.
Button Masher

Button masher.png

Travels around walls and obstacles. It can trigger traps when it passes over them. Cannot be killed.

Jackal Img.png

Tomb variants of Goat enemies, tears bounce off of surfaces.
Gilded Jackal

GildedJackal Img.png

Tomb variant of Black Goat enemies, tears bounce off of surfaces. Brimstone attack targets Jackals and buffs them for 8 seconds, increasing attack speed and movement speed.

Stabstack Img.png

Segmented enemy, segments break off of Stabstack and roll around the room. When the head touches the ground, it hops around the room, shooting 5 spike shots in all directions. Defeating the head destroys all segments.


Sits in place. Connects lines of rags to various enemies in the room, creating barriers that cannot be crossed by the player. When buffed, its rags become dangerous and deal damage when touched.

Dune Img.png

Invincible enemy that appears in sand rooms. Chases the player if they are standing on sand. The player is only safe while standing on darkened stone tiles.