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Snowball monsters are ground-based monsters that can be found in the Glacier. They come in the following variants.


Snowballs are monsters that can be found in the Glacier. They hop around randomly, leaving slippery creep where they land.

Strawberry Snowball

Strawberry Snowballs are monsters that can be found in the Glacier. They hop around the room randomly. When damaged, they leave damaging strawberry colored creep on the ground.

Yellow Snowball

Yellow Snowballs are monsters that can be found in the Glacier. They hop around randomly, much more often than regular Snowballs, leaving damaging creep where they land.

Rolling Snowball

Rolling Snowballs are monsters that can be found in Glacier. They follow the player, leaving slippery creep. Occasionally, they will stop and charge, followed by lunging at the player. During the lunge, Rolling Snowball will continue in the direction it lunged, and will bounce off of any surface they come into contact with three times before ending the lunge. Each time Rolling Snowball bounces off of a surface, they shoot out a burst of tears.

Snot Rocket

Snot Rockets are monsters that can be found in Glacier. They behave exactly like Rolling Snowballs, following Isaac and occasionally lunging at him; however, Snot Rockets leave slowing creep instead of slippery creep, and the tears created by bouncing against surfaces are snot tears and will stick to surfaces or other enemies.
