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Obstacles are objects that are in the player's way in rooms. Revelations adds a variety of obstacles to go along with the newly added floorpath.

Indestructible Objects


Brazier Img1.png

  • Blocks movement and projectiles.
  • An explosion's blast radius will not extend past it.
  • Cannot be destroyed or removed.
  • Cannot be rerolled by D12.
  • Can only be moved over via flying or jumping.
  • Creates a warmth aura for the player in Chill Rooms.

Lightable Fires

LightableFire Img.png

  • Will light on fire right after the player walks over it.
  • Will destroy any Ice Rocks or Dark Ice Rocks in the room.
    • If there are multiple Lightable Fires in the room, the first one lit will destroy all Ice Rocks, and all fires will need to be lit at once to destroy Dark Ice Rocks.
  • Will extinguish after 10 seconds.
  • The flame from Lightable Fires will damage the player.

Cracked Ice

CrackedIce Img.png

  • Hazardous tiles that break when the player walks over it, creating a pit.
  • The player cannot fall into the pit normally, but will fall if pushed by a Big Blowy or if he bounces into it by an Ice Worm, taking damage.
  • Regenerates after the room is cleared, or after 6 seconds.


Boulder Img.png

  • When spawned, moves across the room in the same direction it's facing.
  • Breaks destructible objects as it rolls over them.
  • Deals contact damage to the player and enemies.
  • Does not block tears.


Sarcophagus Img.png

  • Sits in corners of Tomb rooms.
  • Spawns enemies when Sarcophagus Traps are triggered.
    • May spawn pickups instead of enemies.

Arrow Trap Head

ArrowTrapHead Img.png

  • Appears on the walls in Tomb.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Fires three tears in the direction it faces if the player steps on its corresponding Arrow Trap Tile.

Flame Trap Head

FlameTrapHead Img.png

  • Appears on the walls in Tomb.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Fires flames in the direction it faces if the player steps on its corresponding Flame Trap Tile.

Revival Rags

RevivalRags Img.png

Destructible Objects

Ice Rocks

IceBlock Img.png

Dark Ice Rocks

DarkIce Img.png

  • A rock type that can only be destroyed by lighting all Lightable Fires in the room.

Exploding Snowman

Snowmanex img.png

  • Destructible obstacle that creates snow bridges over pits and ice tiles for the player to walk on.
  • These snow bridges allow the player to walk over pits and walk over ice tiles without sliding.
  • When destroyed, they will cause any Stalactrites in the room to fall from the ceiling.


Stalactite Img.png

  • Stalactites fall from the ceiling when spawned.
  • When they land, they shoot tears in a + pattern.
  • When they are destroyed, they shoot tears in an x pattern.
  • Can be destroyed by any means of damage.
  • Does no collision damage.
  • Bug.pngBUG: The player can sometimes move Stalactites around if they're close up against walls.

Canopic Jars



Arrow Trap Tile

Arrow Trap.png

  • Spawns in Tomb's Trap Rooms.
  • If the player steps on it, its corresponding Arrow Trap Head will shoot three tears in the direction it faces.
  • Can be re-pressed after a short time

Boulder Trap Tile

Boulder Trap.png

  • Spawns in Tomb's Trap Rooms.
  • If the player steps on it, a boulder will spawn on the farthest side of the room and will roll in the direction of the tile.
  • Can be re-pressed after a short time.

Flame Trap Tile

Flame Trap.png

  • Spawns in Tomb's Trap Rooms.
  • If the player steps on it, its corresponding Flame Trap Head will start shooting flames in the direction it faces.
  • Can be re-pressed after a short time.

Revival Trap Tiles

Revival Trap.png

  • Spawns in Tomb's Trap Rooms.
  • If the player steps on it, all Revival Rags on the floor will be revived, spawning buffed variants of the enemies the rags correspond to.
  • Cannot be re-pressed.

Sarcophagus Trap Tiles

Sarc Trap.png

  • Spawns in Tomb's Trap Rooms.
  • When the player steps on it, one of the four Sarcophagi in the room will open up, spawning a few enemies.
  • Cannot be re-pressed.


  • Braziers used to not have an aura around them in early test builds of Revelations (shown in this teaser video starting at 3:45).
