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As of Chapter 2, The Binding of Isaac: Revelations adds seventeen new bosses (powerful enemies usually found at the end of a floor) to the base game, including Elites. Chapter 1 added eight bosses, with Chapter 2 adding nine more. Most of these bosses are found in the new floors' boss rooms, but a few appear in other areas of the game.

Revelations-added bosses undergo health scaling. The maximum HP of a boss is calculated when it spawns based on an estimation of the player's damage-per-second.

Main Path

Burning Basement

Raging long legs portrait.png
Raging Long Legs

Caves, Catacombs, and Flooded Caves

Portrait punker.png



Wendy portrait.png Prong portrait.png Portrait freezerburn.png
Wendy Prong Freezer Burn
Portrait freezerfamine.png Portrait williwaw.png Portrait stalagmite.png
Frost Rider Williwaw Stalagmight
Portrait monsnow.png


Chuck Portrait.png

Mirror Room

Narc1 Port.png

Seven Deadly Sins

Glacier envy.png Glacier gluttony.png Glacier wrath.png Glacier lust.png Glacier greed.png Glacier sloth.png GlacierPride.png
Envy Gluttony Wrath Lust Greed Sloth Pride
Glacier super envy.png Glacier super gluttony.png Super-Wrath-Glacier.png Glacier super lust.png Glacier super greed.png Glacier super sloth.png Glacier super pride.png
Super Envy Super Gluttony Super Wrath Super Lust Super Greed Super Sloth Super Pride



Aragnid portrait.png Catastrophe portrait.png Maxwell portrait.png
Aragnid Catastrophe Maxwell
Sandy portrait.png Sarcophaguts portrait.png
Sandy Sarcophaguts


Dungo Portrait.png Ragtime.png
Dungo Ragtime

Mirror Room

Narc2 Port.png
Narcissus II

Seven Deadly Sins

Tomb envy.png Tomb gluttony.png Tomb wrath.png Tomb lust.png Tomb greed.png Tomb sloth.png Tomb pride.png
Envy Gluttony Wrath Lust Greed Sloth Pride
Tomb super envy.png Tomb super gluttony.png Tomb super wrath.png Tomb super lust.png Tomb super greed.png Tomb super sloth.png Tomb super pride.png
Super Envy Super Gluttony Super Wrath Super Lust Super Greed Super Sloth Super Pride


Portrait dukeofflakes.png Portrait flurry.png
Duke of Flakes Flurry Jr.