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Sarcophaguts is one of the bosses added in Revelations Chapter 2, and can be found in Tomb.


Throughout the entirety of the fight, Sarcophaguts is invulnerable to tears unless certain attacks open him up.

Phase 1 (above 33% Health).

  • Sarcophaguts hops to the top of the room and opens up, spawning three Sarcguts and firing a wide sweep of tears throughout the whole room. During this attack, Sarcophaguts is vulnerable where he is opened up.
    • Sarcguts are small gut enemies that wander around the room, leaving creep on the ground as they travel.
    • The spread of the tears is shorter at the beginning of the attack and wider at the end of the attack, making the end of the attack much easier to dodge.
    • This attack is telegraphed by Sarcophaguts' eyes glowing blue before the attack takes place.
  • Sarcophaguts hops to the top of the room and opens up, spawning three Sarcguts and firing a few bursts of tears throughout the room. During this attack, Sarcophaguts is vulnerable where he is opened up.
    • This attack is telegraphed by Sarcophaguts' eyes glowing purple before the attack takes place.
  • Sarcophaguts hops to the right or left of the room and opens up, lies down, and begins firing a large brimstone laser upwards that begins falling down on the player, which follows him and leaves creep on the ground. While Sarcophaguts is firing the laser, Sarcguts will fly out of Sarcophaguts and land at the laser's location, shooting tears out in a + pattern. At the beginning of this attack, there is a brief window where Sarcophaguts is vulnerable where he opens up.
  • Sarcophaguts will hop after the player for a few times before bleeding and leaving damaging creep on the ground. Sarcophaguts will then hop in place and stop the three tiles circling the room. If the player steps on any of the tiles, a boulder will spawn at the opposite side of the room and begin moving towards the tile. If the boulder hits Sarcophaguts, it will deal 70 damage to him and interrupt his current attack.
    • Hitting Sarcophaguts with boulders is the main way of damaging him throughout the fight.

Possible Phase 2 (under 33% Health).

  • If Sarcophaguts is hit by a boulder that knocks him under 33% health, his head will break and fly onto one of the three tiles, rendering it useless. Sarcophaguts' head will occasionally fire a single tear at the player.
  • Sarcophaguts' head can be damaged by tears, and his health is linked to the bossfight; but it does very little damage to Sarcophaguts
  • Sarcophaguts' head still telegraphs the two attacks listed previous by glowing blue or purple before the attacks happen.
  • This phase ONLY happens if Sarcophaguts is brought to under 33% by a boulder. If Sarcophaguts is brought to under 33% by tears, this phase will not occur.

Phase 2-3 (when Sarcophaguts loses all of his health).

  • Sarcophaguts' sarcophagus completely breaks and all that remains is a pile of guts.
    • The guts have 1/3 of Sarcophaguts' original health.
  • The guts directly follow the player.
  • The guts randomly spawn Sarcguts.
  • During this phase, Sarcguts move around much more sporadically.
  • This phase continues for the rest of the fight.

Champion Versions

  • Champion: Sarcophaguts' collar is now colored black with yellow gems, and his eyes glow yellow. All of Sarcophaguts' tears leave black slowing creep on impact and there are only 2 buttons travelling on the sides of the room as opposed to 3. The buttons also no longer require Sarcophaguts to stomp on order to allow Isaac to press them as instead upon pressing one, it enables the other button to be pressable. When Sarcophaguts jumps to the top of the room and opens up, his tear patterns are slightly altered.
    • Sprays a short ranged sweep of black tears across the room.
    • Fires streaks of high range black projectiles that move across the room.

Boulders sometimes splash black tears around if they travel over black creep. If a boulder hits Sarcophaguts, he spawns 2 black tinted Guts that travel on the sides of the room. These Guts can also press the boulder buttons. If a Boulder misses Sarcophaguts it has a chance of spawning a Tar Boy. If Sarcophaguts' head is knocked off, the button that his head did not land on can be pressed from then on without requiring the other button to be pressed first. In his final phase Sarcophaguts spawns both Sarcguts and black Guts as it takes damage.



  • The name Sarchophaguts is a play on the word Sarchophagus and Guts, as the boss is a Sarchopagus that attacks with the fresh guts of the body inside him.Blank.png