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Pride is one of the seven deadly sins and a mini-boss that can be found randomly on any floor. He usually attacks by either summoning Troll Bombs or firing 4 lasers diagonally from him. In Revelation floors, however, his attacks are altered around the corresponding chapter's mechanics.

Glacier Pride

In the Glacier, Pride resembles a colorful aurora borealis, glowing shades of green to purple.


In the Glacier, Pride randomly moves around the room in a wavy pattern, leaving colorful afterimages behind him. He occasionally pauses to attack:

  • Scream and shoot 4 lasers diagonally. This attack creates colorful auras near Pride and at the tips of the lasers.
    • The auras act similar to Brainfreeze's aura: they stop any enemy or ally projectiles that crosses them, before launching them back at Isaac when the auras disappear.
  • Pauses to summon several Aurora Bombs around the room. These bombs also leave tear-reflecting colorful auras when they explode.

Tomb Pride

In the Tomb, Pride always appears facing sideways, but returns to his usual pallet after Glacier.


Just like in Glacier, Tomb Pride behaves identically to how he does in the base path, but with added effects to his attacks.

  • Wanders around randomly.
  • Pauses to scream and send out 4 lasers diagonally. These lasers can trigger any Traps they touch that would otherwise require the pressing of a Trap tile to activate.
  • Pauses to summon numerous Troll Bombs randomly around the room. These Troll Bombs can activate Trap Tiles if they spawn or are pushed directly on top.


  • If Pride is killed in any of the Revelation floors, he will drop Pride's Posturing as a reward.


  • The music that plays during Pride's battle in Revelation floors is named Executable.
  • Tomb Pride's design is based on the common angle that hieroglyphics depict people in.