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Monsnow is one of the original bosses added in Revelations Chapter One and is only found in the Glacier Boss Challenge Room. He is a Glacier variant of the base-game boss Monstro, although his behavior was very different. Revelations adds in Health Scaling for their added bosses. Monsnow's health was be set at the beginning of the fight dependent on whichever number is higher between 300 or the player's damage times 26.


  • Hops towards the player.
  • Coughs up two-three snowballs which spawn Snowballs when landing.
  • Jumps up off-screen, attempting to land on the player. When Monsnow lands, a large number of snowballs fall from the ceiling, which all leave ice creep and have a chance to spawn Snowballs or Rolling Snowballs.
  • Monsnow transitions into a long rolling attack. For this attack, he directly follows the player, while leaving a large amount of ice creep behind him. After some time, he will lunge at the player, hitting a wall which causes a large number of snowballs to fall from the ceiling which have a chance to spawn Snowballs or Rolling Snowballs.
    • If Monsnow rolls over any Snowballs or Rolling Snowballs during this move, he will break them into a few tears which can damage the player
    • Monsnow can only perform this attack while there are at least 5 Snowballs in the room.


As of the Neapolitan Update, Monsnow was removed from the Glacier boss pool. He now only spawns in Boss Challenge Rooms.

