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Fatty monsters are monsters that usually have more health than other monsters, but are, in turn, slower. Revelations adds the following Fatty variants.


FatSnows are enemies that can be found in Glacier. They hop towards the player to do contact damage, leaving ice creep where they land. If they get too far away from the player, they do a large leap, which leaves a large pool of ice creep where they land and also shoots a large number of arching tears in random directions. When they die, their head explodes. The corpse then lingers for a moment before bursting into a plus sign of damaging blue creep.

Rag Fatty

Rag Fatty slowly follows the player. Occasionally, Rag Fatty will inhale and hold his breath, making him increase in size. While holding his breath, Rag Fatty moves very slowly. Upon taking any form of damage, Rag Fatty will stop holding his breath and fart, sending out a burst of homing tears towards the player. More tears are sent out if Rag Fatty holds his breath for longer periods.

When buffed, Rag Fatty becomes faster. Upon death, the buffed Rag Fatty's head will fall to the ground in a pile of guts and will begin quickly sliding towards the player, leaving damaging creep on the ground. Occasionally, Rag Fatty's head will jump in the air and slam the ground, leaving a large amount of creep and sending out a burst of homing tears towards the player.
