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Telescope is a trinket added in Revelations Chapter 2.


  • Boosts the effects of the constellation collectibles when held.
    • Aries: Doubles the ramming damage.
    • Taurus: Removes the speed penalty.
    • Gemini: When Isaac takes damage, Suture detaches from him for the current room.
    • Cancer: +1 Fire Rate.
    • Leo: Running over rocks sends out tears in a cross pattern.
    • Virgo: The chance of a Book of Shadows shield being granted when Isaac takes damage is increased to 100%.
    • Libra: Whenever Isaac uses a Bomb or Key there's a 20% chance of him being given one of the other pickup.
    • Scorpio: Enemies leave a pool of green creep on death.
    • Sagittarius: Tears get a 50% damage increase for each enemy they pierce.
    • Capricorn: +1 Luck.
    • Aquarius: Increases the size of the creep trail.
    • Pisces: Knockback is stronger.



  • Cancer's effect grants the same effect as the Trinket of the same name.
  • Aquarius's Effect Stacks with Lost Cork.
  • Capricorn turns into a true all stats up, as originally, none of the all stats up in Isaac increase Luck.

In-game Footage