Glutton's Gut

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Glutton's Gut is an activated collectible added in Revelations Chapter 2.


  • Upon use, the player inhales and sucks in nearby enemies and projectiles.
    • If the player has sucked up enemies and/or projectiles, they will stop inhaling and start chewing. The player can do one of two things while they are chewing:
      • If the player activates Glutton's Gut again, they will swallow and gain one red heart.
      • If the player shoots in a direction, they will spit out a glob which scales in damage from 1x-6x of the player's damage based upon how much stuff the player inhaled. Upon impact it will also send out either 4 tears or 8 tears also depending on how much stuff the player inhaled.
    • Using this during a boss fight makes the player inhale a large tear from the boss. Inhaling the tear does no damage to the boss, but it instantly maxes out the damage of the glob.


  • Entering another room does not empty the contents of the player's mouth, making it a useful way of getting some quick starting damage in on a boss fight.
  • An enemy's health or strength does not determine if it can be eaten, so anything from a Dip to an Oob can be gobbled up just as easily.

In-game Footage


  • This item was inspired by Kirby, a popular Nintendo character who swallows enemies and items to attack or gain special abilities.