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Addict is a passive collectible added in Revelations Chapter 2.


  • For each room the player doesn't take a pill, the next room will have a unique enemy called Skitterpills. An additional Skitterpill is added for each extra pill not used.
  • There exist two kinds of Skitterpills, which drop either a bad or good/neutral pill (including Puberty) on death.
    • "Bad" Skitterpills look like black and red spiders, and move eratically around the room like one.
    • "Good" Skitterpills look like flying pills with white wings, and fly in diagonal directions around the room.
    • All Skitterpills will disappear when the room is cleared or when all monsters go off screen (e.g. Mom's Hands lifting up). They will not drop any pill if they do.
  • Taking a pill will reset the number of Skitterpills the player has to deal with per room.

Addict synergizes with Starter Deck:

  • Because Starter Deck replaces pills by cards, the Skitterpills are replaced by Skittercards: face down tarot card with black wings.
  • Skittercards spawn just like Skitterpills: in uncleared rooms, with an additional skittercard for every room the player hasn't used a card, and the number resets if they do.
    • There is only one kind of Skittercards. They fly directly at the player and drop a tarot card on death.
    • When a Skittercard is killed, all other Skittercards in the room disappear.
    • All Skittercards will disappear when the room is cleared or when all monsters go off screen (e.g. Mom's Hands lifting up). They will not drop any card if they do.
